In order to promote its international profile and enhance cross-cultural communication, Chaoyang University of Technology formally established The Language Center on February 1, 2006.
The "Foreign Language Teaching Group" and "Chinese Language Teaching Group" were organized to coordinate the university's language courses for both Taiwanese and foreign students. The Language Center was initially responsible for the planning and teaching of both Chinese language courses for foreign students and English courses for all students, apart from those enrolled in The Department of Applied English. The Center also promotes the use of various foreign language and Chinese learning resources. The Ministry of Education's overseas enrollment evaluation approved the Chinese Language Teaching Group in 2016, allowing foreign students to come to Chaoyang to study Chinese. In August 2019, the "Chinese Language Teaching Group" was restructured into an independent unit, The Chinese Language Center, while The Language Center took on the increasing responsibility of providing general English courses for students in nearly every department of the university.
The center faculty includes the Director, two full-time teachers, six special education teachers, over 50 part-time teachers, and a large administrative staff. The common English curriculum of the center has adopted a tiered teaching structure to ensure all the students receive instruction that matches their aptitude and prior learning experience. In addition, a variety of English and foreign language elective courses provide students with the opportunity to strengthen their English proficiency more broadly.
At the encouragement of the University's General Education Center, the Language Center also offers a variety of elective courses to empower students to compete effectively in today's employment environment.
Located on the second floor of Design Building, Language Center is where all the students can search for information and ask for help. Books, visual-audio equipments and self-learning soft-wares are available to students. Language Center has arranged Tutor Hours and Office Hours so that students can seek extra assistance for their inquiries as well as problems. It is expected that students can experience the joy of learning foreign languages in a relaxing and pleasant environment. The ultimate goal of Language Center is to help students become independent and active learners, enjoying the wonders of foreign languages.
- 規劃全校校訂英語必修及選修英、外語類課程相關事宜,並統籌英語能力安置測驗及統一會考等相關事宜。
- 規劃本校日間部非應英系學生外語能力畢業指標相關事宜,並開設符合畢業學分要求以及未來就業需求之共通英文課程。
- 規劃及執行本校外籍學生之華語課程,鼓勵學生參加華語文能力測驗。
- 招收研習華語之外國人士,以發揚中華語文之美,達國際文化交流的目的。
- 提供英或其他外語及華語學習諮詢導航服務。
- 規劃各種英語適性短期課程及活動,並鼓勵學生考取英文及各項外語檢定證照。
- 開設菁英英文課程,培育學生成為與姐妹校交流學術、與國際接軌的生力軍。
- 舉辦各項英、華語活動(如節慶活動、競賽、生活營等)。
- 規劃及管理英語及華語專業教室(T1-305、T1-306、T1-306.1、D-205、D-206)、多媒體自學區(D-208)及個人/團體諮商區(D-208)。